The greatest English language novel of the last 100 years was published 100 years ago today, February 2nd, 1922, on its author’s 40th birthday, by Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare & Company in Paris.
This is 12, rue de l’Odéon, the original location of Shakespeare and Company:
And this is the plaque on the building commemorating the publication (sorry for blurry photo):
If you’ve never read it, dive in. The whole thing, from Stately to Yes as we Joyceans say, is a joy(ce).
It’s one of those books I’ve never had the guts to try.
Made it to chapter 4 on kindle. Got bogged down and switched to audible. I’ll make it through but I’ll need to read it as well. Might be easier to understand if they just used a more traditional British reader but that would probably lead to conflict. Biggest problem is the whispering by Stephen and Bloom only to be startled by Butt fuckin Mulligan. I often listen when falling asleep so it’s making it’s way into my subconscious and dreams I think. Maybe it will at least make my next therapy session more interesting. Not sure if it will crack my personal top 10 but I like it.