Christopher Hitchens and I invented the word games below. All additional titles welcomed. I’ll add more if I remember them. (There were more.)
The Plays of William Shakespeare re-titled in the manner of the novels of Robert Ludlum
The Elsinore Vacillation (Hamlet)
The Handkerchief Deception (Othello)
The Rialto Sanction (The Merchant of Venice)
The Cordelia Conundrum (King Lear)
The Capulet Balcony (Romeo and Juliet)
The Dunsinane Afforestation (Macbeth)
Titles That Don’t Quite Make It
Mr Zhivago
Mrs Bovary
Toby Dick
A Farewell to Weapons
For Whom the Bell Rings
The Old Man and the Pond
The Catcher in the Wheat
Hitch-22 (Christopher ended up making this the actual title of his memoir)
Elderberry Finn
To Kill a Hummingbird
Lord of the Fries
The Story of the Forsytes
Withering Heights
Song of Sulaiman
Two days in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Godmother
Bonnie and Clive
East Side Story
The Grapes of Pique
Hitchhiker's guide to the neighborhood